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Ontario Chapter

Meeting Time:  3rd TUESDAY of the month @  7:00 pm
Location:    Shortsville Rod & Gun Club
                       2022 Freshour Road
                       Shortsville, NY 14432


Chapter Board

 Chairman Marty Buonanno
 Vice-Chair  Christopher Lesperance
 Larry Evans  
 Secretary  Rhonda Buonanno  

Tuesday, February 18th


Our next meeting will be

Tuesday, March 18th @ 7:00 PM

“Happy New Year” - we say it on New Year's Eve at the stroke of midnight. The celebration begins, kissing, hugs, a glass of Champagne for everyone! Reality sets in -we have to drive home very carefully and change the date to 2025.

If only it was that easy- a declaration of a happy new year. We go back to work and start another year. It's our responsibility to navigate through the challenges of life and carve a path that is the best for our loved ones, community and our principles.

Believe or not the anti 2a forces are at work, and have an agenda for the new year. Just like the Vikings with a ram on the outside of the British castle, slowly banging the rock until the mortar gives way, then onto the next layer of rock.

We only need one Raul Revere to announce the Vikings are coming! You get the point, now is the time for all good men, women and youth to come to aid of the 2a.

Join us Tuesday, I know it’s “cold outside” (we heard that Christmas song a million times last month), but we’re not Amish traveling in a buggy at 3-5 mph with no heat in our vehicles. We will lay out the year and plan for our new strategies to give SCOPE a higher positive profile across NY State.

All of us see the importance of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
It is our Civic duty to pass freedom onto the next generation. 

The orchestra leader needs musicians , the coach needs athletes , and grassroots leaders need patriots to get back our freedom in the state ranked 50th, the least free in the US. After being least free, what’s next?

2024 is another year full of potential, If we can work together. This year we will focus on electing second amendment candidates, voting integrity, election success, and increasing our donation to second amendment lawsuits. 

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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